Canada Considers Banning Chinese-Made Software in Cars for Data Privacy Concerns

TapTechNews September 26th news, according to Bloomberg, Canadian Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland said that due to the issue of 'data privacy and security', Canada is considering following the US to ban the use of Chinese-made software in cars.

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Banning the use of Chinese-made software in cars may be one of the fundamental measures for Canada to prevent Chinese electric vehicles from entering its own market. However, Canadian government officials said that it has not yet decided how fast and in what way to ban software from China.

If Canada chooses to ban Chinese-made software on security grounds, then new legislation may need to be introduced first, which will complicate the implementation of this ban, because Canadian elections may be held at any time in the next year, and if there is a change of leadership, legislation will also face more uncertainties.
