Microsoft Opens Facial Recognition Technology FaceCheck to All Enterprise Customers

TapTechNews August 13th news, Microsoft today announced that its facial recognition technology FaceCheck is fully open to all enterprise customers. This technology combines users' selfies from their mobile phones and verified identity photos to provide enterprises with a more secure and reliable identity authentication service.

Microsoft Opens Facial Recognition Technology FaceCheck to All Enterprise Customers_0

Microsoft first announced the FaceCheck technology in February this year and integrated it into the Entra digital identity service. According to Microsoft, 65% of the attack paths of cybercriminals take advantage of insecure authentication methods. With the rise of generative AI, traditional digital identity systems are facing increasing threats. Impersonators can easily bypass common verification methods such as CAPTCHA verification codes or personal information questions. With the prevalence of fraud, identity authentication becomes increasingly important.

FaceCheck solves this problem by comparing users' mobile phone selfies with verified identity photos (such as passport photos). Microsoft emphasizes that this technology only shares the matching results and does not involve sensitive identity data, enhancing the enterprise's identity authentication ability while protecting users' privacy. FaceCheck can also effectively resist various deception means including deep fakes to comprehensively protect users' identity security.

Enterprises can purchase the FaceCheck service independently, and the verification cost is $0.25 each time (TapTechNews note: currently about 1.8 yuan). In addition, this technology is also part of Microsoft's EntraSuite suite, and enterprises can try EntraSuite for free, which includes 8 FaceCheck verifications per month.
