ByteDance Reportedly Plans to Use Huawei Chips for TikTok's New AI Model

TapTechNews September 30th news, this afternoon Beijing time, according to Reuters citing three informed sources, ByteDance plans to develop a new AI model for TikTok, mainly using chips from Huawei for training.

It is reported that ByteDance has now turned its attention to domestic AI chip suppliers in China, and also accelerated the pace of independent research and development. In this AI race, ByteDance's next move is to use the Huawei Ascend 910B chip to train the large AI model.

A fourth informed source also said that ByteDance plans to build a new AI model, but 'cannot disclose' whether it will use Huawei chips.

The aforementioned three informed sources said that ByteDance has begun to use the Ascend 910B chip, mainly for less computationally intensive reasoning tasks, that is, using the pre-trained AI model for prediction.

But training an AI model requires much higher computing power and requires massive amounts of data, so ultra-high performance chips must be used. One of the informed sources said that in terms of computing parameters, the ability and complexity of the new model will be lower than ByteDance's existing AI model Doubao.

TapTechNews learned that ByteDance did not respond to the request for comment, and Michael Hughes, a spokesperson for TikTok in Washington, D.C., denied the news. 'The whole premise here is wrong, and there is no new model being developed.' Huawei did not respond to Reuters' request for comment.

Informed sources also said that ByteDance ordered more than 100,000 Ascend 910B chips this year, but as of July this year, less than 30,000 were received, and the speed was too slow to meet the company's needs.
