Samsung GalaxyBook4Edge Versions, Specs, and Renderings

TapTechNews on May 18th., a German tech media, recently posted a blog sharing high-resolution renderings of the Samsung GalaxyBook4Edge laptop , and it is expected to launch a 14-inch standard version and a 16-inch Pro version.

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The source indicates that Samsung originally planned to launch three versions for the GalaxyBook4Edge, with two sizes of 14 and 16 inches, equipped with the X1P-80-100 Snapdragon XElite chip, 12 cores at 4.0 GHz, and 16GB of memory.

Samsung also plans to launch the GalaxyBook4Edge Pro laptop, which only has a 16-inch version, equipped with the Snapdragon XElite X1P-84-100 top flagship chip, 12 cores at 4.2 GHz, and 16GB of memory, and there is a possibility of equipping with larger memory.

TapTechNews attached the 14-inch rendering of the GalaxyBook4Edge as follows:

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16-inch rendering of the GalaxyBook4Edge (Pro):

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