Apple's Privacy Protection in AI Impressive but Imperfect, Says Inrupt Chief

TapTechNews July 5th news, the security chief of Inrupt company commented, indicating that Apple Intelligence of Apple has formulated relatively complete measures and has become a new benchmark for privacy protection, but it is still not perfect.

Apples Privacy Protection in AI Impressive but Imperfect, Says Inrupt Chief_0

Inrupt was founded by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the father of the Internet, who created the world's first website and the first web browser, allowing ordinary users to access and browse the web.

Tim Berners-Lee focused his work on protecting Internet privacy in 2018 and co-founded Inrupt, dedicated to allowing users to have full control over their personal data.

The security architecture chief of Inrupt, Bruce Schneier, said that the privacy protection measures of Apple Intelligence are impressive, but not perfect.

TapTechNews translated Schneier's content as follows:

Apple has set a model for privacy protection in the AI industry. Even for cloud tasks, its security is comparable to local operations on the mobile phone side.

But there is still room for improvement in the AI privacy protection of Apple. When Apple sends queries to OpenAI, it deletes identity information, but there is a lot of identity information in many queries.

Personalization is actually a double-edged sword. Although AI can provide users with more attentive and detailed services, your identity characteristics are also easily exposed.

For example, if a user wants ChatGPT to plan the itinerary for a city vacation for them, then they will go to a certain city on a certain weekend and list specific hobbies, which is enough to expose your personal hobby and other information characteristics.
