YouTuber Runs Windows XP Tablet PC on Modified 2011 Apple MacBook

TapTechNews June 22, YouTube's MichaelMJD took an unconventional path and modified a 2011 Apple MacBook, overcoming many issues to successfully run the Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 system.

 YouTuber Runs Windows XP Tablet PC on Modified 2011 Apple MacBook_0

The host used a 2011 MacBook modified by Lingraphica to achieve touch screen operation, and then installed the 2005 tablet version of Windows XP. Due to hardware compatibility and driver problems, it is extremely difficult to install a decades-old Microsoft operating system on an old-fashioned Apple laptop.

The host installed the Windows XP system through Apple's BootCamp software. However, since enabling the touch screen requires a customized ISO image.

Because the official version obtained from the Internet Archive will default to the regular PC version of Windows XP every time it detects incompatible tablet hardware.

After the host got the ISO image, the next challenge was the drivers. The host downloaded the HampshireTouch driver files from the Internet Archive to improve the compatibility of the MacBook's touch screen. The driver worked properly and the installation wizard could also recognize the uncalibrated touch screen.

The host overcame these difficulties and finally ran the operating system. He could even play Half-Life with a decent frame rate, but encountered some issues when adjusting the resolution.
