New Huawei MatePad SE Tablet Certified

TapTechNews June 1st, the new Huawei MatePad SE tablet with the model number "AGS6-W00" has now passed multiple regulatory agency certifications and is equipped with a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor.

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The new MatePad SE passed Bluetooth certification today. The certification information shows that its wireless chip has been changed from the previous Qualcomm WCN3950 to WCN3980/3988/3998 (TapTechNews note: applicable to some Snapdragon 4/6 series chips).

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In addition, AGS6-W00 also obtained the CMIIT radio transmitting equipment model approval last month and has not passed the 3C certification yet. For reference, the current MatePad SE tablet was released at the beginning of last year with the model number AGS5-W00.
