Apple Granted patent for modular Apple Pencil design

TapTechNews July 3rd, according to the latest list publicly disclosed by the US Trademark and Patent Office, Apple has obtained a patent for the Apple Pencil, exploring a modular design scheme. Users can freely replace the modules of the Pencil according to their own needs or usage scenarios in the future to achieve different effects.

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The patent is titled Handheld Input Devices With Sleeves, and the Apple Pencil is equipped with special contact points, and users can achieve different usage purposes by replacing the sleeve Sleeves.

Apple stated in the patent that the sleeve has built-in sensors and conductors that can be connected to the touch sensor circuit on the stylus to achieve interconnection.

The sleeve can be equipped with a deformable component for converting the force on the sleeve to the force-sensitive tip of the stylus; and combined with the visual marker detected by the external camera and used together with the motion sensor data of the stylus to track the handheld input device.

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According to the patent description, if users can customize different functions for the Apple Pencil by switching different sleeves, such as enhancing control, adding new sensors or extending battery life, and so on.

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Moreover, this sleeve can be extended to non-Apple Pencil products in the future. The patent introduces that by putting it into a fork, a motion sensor can be installed to detect the speed at which people eat, and even assist in calculating the calories consumed. TapTechNews attached the pictures as follows:

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