Zhijie S7 Car Completes High-Temperature Tests in Turpan with Impressive Results

TapTechNews July 16th news, the Zhijie S7 car under Hongmeng Zhixing had previously announced its participation in the summer test of the China Automobile Center, and the location is at the Turpan - Zhongjiao Flame Mountain Automobile Proving Ground. The official announced the test results of this car today.

According to the introduction, under the ambient temperature of 38.2°C - 46.3°C, the measured high-temperature cruising range of the Zhijie S7 car is 774.15 km (CLTC cruising range is 855 km); after two hours of exposure to the sun, the vehicle's power is charged from 30% to 80% with an average charging power of 156.48 kW, and the charging time is 19 minutes; the temperature reduction amplitude of the air conditioner in 15 minutes is 29.8°C.

TapTechNews attaches the evaluation results of the Zhijie S7 car as follows:

Test vehicle

Zhijie S7 Max+ rear-wheel drive super-navigation intelligent driving version

High temperature cruising range test

Air conditioner setting: Auto 20-24°C

Driving mode setting: Energy-saving mode, slow deceleration

Ambient temperature during the test: 38.2°C - 46.3°C

Turpan comprehensive road conditions: covering urban, suburban, and national road sections

Measured total driving mileage: 774.15 km

High temperature charging test (from 30% to 80%)

Test condition: Exposure to the sun for 2 hours in an environment above 35°C

Ambient temperature: 38.5°C - 38.9°C

Charging duration: 19 minutes

Average charging power under the 180 kW pile: 156.48 kW

Air conditioner cooling test

Test condition: Soaking the car for 2 hours in an environment of 40.3°C - 43.2°C

Ambient temperature during the test: 43.2°C - 46.1°C

Test result: 15-minute temperature reduction amplitude of 29.8°C

High temperature VOC test

Test process: After 2 hours of high temperature exposure, test the formaldehyde concentration under the air conditioning mode

Test result: 0.070 mg/m³ (formaldehyde content) < 0.1 mg/m³ (national standard limit)

High temperature reliability driving test

Test condition: Continuous driving for 600 kilometers on bad road surfaces such as stone-pounding roads, gravel roads, and dust-raising roads

Ambient temperature: 43.34°C - 44.1°C

Test result: Passed
