Former Twitter chief accountant sues Elon Musk for severance pay

According to TapTechNews on June 19, BusinessInsider reported that Robert Kaiden, the former chief accountant officer of Twitter, sued Elon Musk, claiming $3.75 million (TapTechNews note: currently about 27.245 million yuan) in severance pay.

Kaiden stated that after Elon Musk acquired Twitter in October 2022, he falsely accused him and other Twitter executives of improper behavior in order to fire them without cause and avoid paying millions of dollars in severance pay.

In the lawsuit, Kaiden mentioned that he received a letter on November 2, 2022, informing him that he was immediately fired due to serious negligence or intentional misconduct in performing his duties, and he did not receive the last salary from the company.

Kaiden claimed that Elon Musk deceived Kaiden and other executives, depriving them of a total of $200 million (currently about 1.453 billion yuan) in severance pay, and the committee responsible for reviewing Kaiden's severance pay appeal is a scam, composed of employees from Elon Musk's other companies.

Kaiden is not the first former Twitter executive to sue Elon Musk for not receiving severance pay. According to TapTechNews' previous report, four former Twitter executives jointly sued Elon Musk in March this year, demanding him to pay $128 million (currently about 930 million yuan) in severance pay.
