iOS 18 Updates on iPhone Battery Health and Charging Settings

TapTechNews June 12th news, Apple's iOS 18 operating system brings some practical updates related to iPhone battery health and charging settings. TapTechNews noticed that in addition to more charging limit options for iPhone 15 series users, iOS 18 will also add a new feature that can detect whether the user is using a slow charger to charge the device.

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In the Settings app of iOS 18, iPhone 15 users can find the new charging limit settings in the Battery -> Charging option. Previously, iOS only allowed users to set the charging limit to 80%, but now there are more fine-grained options of 85%, 90%, and 95%, allowing users to more accurately control the charging level of the battery, which helps to extend the battery life.

Another practical new feature is that iOS 18 can identify whether the charger used by the user is a slow charger. In the Battery option in the Settings app, you can view the battery power curve. If the system detects that the user is using a slow charger, an orange warning message will be displayed on the curve, and the words Slow Charger will also be marked below.

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Regarding the specific criteria for judging slow charging, such as how low the charging power needs to be before triggering the system reminder, it is currently unclear. However, Apple is expected to provide more relevant information when iOS 18 is officially released this fall, and corresponding support documents will also be released for detailed explanation at that time.

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