Electron v31.2.1 Update Bug Fixes and Enhancements

Electron is a desktop application built with JavaScript, HTML and CSS for cross-platform. It is based on Node.js and Chromium and is used by the Atom editor and many other applications. Electron is compatible with Mac, Windows and Linux, and can build applications for the three platforms.

The update content of Electron v31.2.1 is as follows:


  • Fixed a possible error when calling webContents.close() on BrowserView. #42810
  • Fixed the problem that high contrast mode does not apply to webContents on Windows. #42859
  • Fixed a problem where the sources returned by desktopCapturer and screen.getAllDisplays() no longer match in Windows. #42861 #42890
  • Fixed the problem that the File System Access API cannot remember the user's last selected directory as expected. #42893
  • Fixed the problem of crashing when resolving the proxy with the session.resolveProxy api. #42897

Update note: Click
