Huawei Announces XMAGE Future Imaging Evolution Trends

TapTechNews May 22nd news, the 2024 Huawei Imaging XMAGE Brand Night was held at 4 p.m. today, and Li Xiaolong, CTO of Huawei Terminal BG, announced the top ten trends of Huawei XMAGE's future imaging evolution at the event.

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TapTechNews sorted out as follows:

Extreme compactness, extreme imaging performance

New optical materials / high-performance sensors / ultra-precision modules

Can be captured and clearly captured

XDMotion motion engine / XDFusion ultra-clear image engine / XDOptics computational optics

Dark shooting and telephoto

Ultra-stable dark shooting system / main camera-level telephoto module / high-level semantic understanding / underlying image restoration algorithm

What you see is what you get

Full-process high dynamic light and shadow recording / primary color engine upgrade again / shooting and display combination

Dynamic imaging

Real-time AI visual processing system (rNVP) / immersive information recording (time, space and sound)

Imaging style

Scene-based recommendation / personalized style and settings

HarmonyOS ecosystem

Multimedia ecosystem / creation platform based on large model / rich editing tools

Intelligent imaging creation

AI film-level light and shadow reconstruction, virtualization transition, post-editing / miniaturization of large model

Multi-camera and multi-modal

Ultra-micro ability / ultra-spectral camera / new sensor

Terminal-cloud combination empowering imaging

Terminal-cloud coordination / cloud large model image generation algorithm / privacy security system

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The Chinese mainland director, cinematographer, photography director, and vice president of the China Society of Cinematographers, Zhao Xiaoding, said at the event site that his mobile phone short film work Transfiguration will be released in June this year.

Huawei's mobile imaging brand XMAGE was released in July 2022, which is Huawei's condensation and summary of the past accumulation, practice and creation in the field of imaging. The technological innovation and shooting experience innovation represented by XMAGE mainly unfold around the fields of optical system, imaging technology, and image processing.

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