Google to Add Intensity Slider in Android 15 Color Correction for Color-Blind Users

TapTechNews July 10th news, the tech media AndroidAuthority published a blog post today (July 10th), stating that Google plans to add an intensity slider in the color correction settings of the Android 15 system to help color-blind users adjust the color display mode more flexibly.

Billions of people worldwide suffer from some form of color blindness, and many of them don't even know they have color blindness. Color-blind patients will encounter difficulties in distinguishing specific colors such as red, green, and blue, and often need to rely on assistive functions to make up for visual impairments.

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TapTechNews note: Under the existing Android system settings, there is a Color and Dynamics option under the assistive functions entry, with a dedicated color correction settings page. Color-blind users can switch among several color correction modes of Android, and each mode can compensate for different degrees of color blindness.

And in the Android 15 system, Google also plans to expand the color correction settings by adding an intensity slider, including three options of low, medium, and high, to facilitate color-blind users to adjust the intensity according to their own degree of color blindness.

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