Meta CEO Says Meta's Strategy Differs from Apple's

TapTechNews September 19th news, the tech media 9to5Mac released a blog post yesterday (September 18th), reporting that Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in this week's Acquired podcast program that Meta is completely opposite to Apple in many aspects.

TapTechNews translates Zuckerberg's interview content as follows:

I think Meta's development strategy is completely opposite to Apple's in many ways.

There is no right or wrong here, and Apple's products also work very well. Apple's development strategy is to spend a lot of time polishing and launching after careful crafting, which may be determined by their corporate culture.

Meta is more inclined to adopt a strategy that focuses on releasing products to obtain feedback rather than waiting until the products are perfect before releasing.

We hope to truly establish a culture that values releasing products, introducing new features and obtaining feedback in a timely manner, rather than always expecting unanimous praise when releasing content.

If you keep waiting until you are praised by everyone, then you will miss a lot of precious time that could have learned a lot of useful knowledge and integrated it into the next version you are about to release.

Meta CEO Says Metas Strategy Differs from Apple's_0
