vivo X80 Series Phones Get OriginOS 4 Update with New Features

TapTechNews May 29th news, vivo X80 series phones received the OriginOS 4 version update today, with the version number PD2183B_A_14.2.6.1.W10.VO00L1, and the update package is about 1.28 gigabytes.

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This update optimizes the AI capabilities of Blue Heart XiaV, supports functions such as voice video clipping and arranging travel plans, and adds new functions such as同声传译 (simultaneous interpretation) and camera direct watermark. TapTechNews attaches the following update contents:

Blue Heart XiaV

Adds the one-sentence video clipping ability. Blue Heart XiaV will select relevant materials from the album based on your instructions and clip them into a more atmospheric video.

Adds an AI travel assistant. By communicating with Blue Heart XiaV in a natural language way, you can achieve one-sentence booking of air tickets/rail tickets/hotels/travel plans.

Adds intelligent schedule suggestions. Blue Heart XiaV can give reasonable schedule priority sorting and suggestions according to your conflicting schedules.

XiaV Helper

Adds XiaV Helper, which is an upgrade of the original AI subtitle, supports voice-to-text recording in third-party voice and video call scenarios, supports real-time translation and bilingual display in multiple languages, and can generate summary and to-do items with one click after the call ends.

Translation Machine

Adds simultaneous interpretation, which supports continuous automatic recognition of voice content and translation, and the results are displayed in real time to improve the user's translation efficiency.

Optimizes dialog translation, and adds face-to-face dialog translation mode, and users can choose the appropriate dialog translation mode according to different scenarios.

Atomic Notes

Adds AI note creation, supports one-click writing of weekly reports, daily reports, Redbook copywriting and more than 10 types of text creation, as well as processing such as continuing, simplifying, expanding, and polishing existing notes.

Fixes the problem of abnormal use of some functions with a low probability after creating a new note in Atomic Notes.

Universal Document

Adds vivo Universal Viewer, which supports viewing Pages, Numbers and Keynote format files, and supports converting the three format files to PDF. At the same time, it supports viewing various professional file formats such as CAD, PSD, Xmind, etc.


Adds super dragging and dropping, which supports long-pressing and dragging the graphic and text content within one application to another split screen or small window application to achieve cross-application graphic and text extraction and sharing in one step.

Atomic Privacy System

Adds camera, album, file management, and Atomic Notes to the Atomic Privacy System for independent management of private files.

Adds the component of moving in/out files, which can help you conveniently migrate files between the Atomic Privacy System and the main system.

Adds the overall moving in/out function of album folders for convenient migration of album files.

Adds the super privacy cabinet within the Atomic Privacy System, even privacy applications cannot access it.

Optimizes the split screen combination method of the Atomic Privacy System with the main system and can drag and share graphic and text across applications to improve the convenience of multitasking.

Optimizes and improves the data security. The data such as album, file management, and Atomic Notes in the privacy system are isolated from the main system, and the main system c annot access.

Optimizes the desktop layout of the privacy system.


Adds the window screenshot function. When operating in a multi-tasking scenario using a small window, if a screenshot is triggered, it can automatically recognize and quickly select the required part to be captured.


Adds multiple sets of personalized templates under the camera watermark to improve the diversity of camera watermarks.


Optimizes network adaptability and stability.


Optimizes the compatibility with Bluetooth devices.

Notification and Status Bar

Fixes the problem of not updating the status bar content with a low probability in some scenarios.


Fixes the problem that the music does not automatically play with a low probability after answering a call during music playback and hanging up.

Smart Car

Fixes the problem of a low probability of failed smart car connection in some scenarios.

Multi-device Interconnection

Fixes the problem that there is no network on the tablet side occasionally after starting communication sharing.

Dark Mode

Fixes the problem of abnormal display of some application interfaces occasionally in the dark mode.


Optimizes the translation of the system UI display language.

Fixes the problem of abnormal standby power consumption with a low probability.
