XPeng Motors Launches AI Valet Feature

TapTechNews May 29th news, at 520 AIDAY, XPeng Motors globally premiered the AI Valet feature, and XPeng Motors also fully pushed the AI Tianji system to users. The push of the AI Tianji system covers all XPeng Motors' current models on sale. One of the core items of this OTA upgrade is the AI Valet.

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Today, in response to users' questions about AI Valet, XPeng Motors gave a response. TapTechNews details are as follows:

What is AI Valet?

AI Valet is a全新 feature launched by XPeng Motors. Based on the AI's autonomous learning ability, users only need to drive manually once, and the intelligent driving system will actively remember the user's driving path and generate a customized route within 24 hours. Moreover, AI Valet will also learn and mimic the user's driving habits and styles to truly provide a customized intelligent driving experience.

What are the highlights of AI Valet's functions?

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The first AI imitation intelligent driving in the industry: 100% privately customized intelligent driving routes, capable of imitating and learning users' driving habits such as lane change styles, lane selection, and road usage habits.

The memory route is the best in the industry: Each user can store up to 10 memory routes, and each route can be up to 100 kilometers long, can cover the smallest roads, and can handle the most difficult U-turns.

Intelligent matching, one-click valet driving: On the in-vehicle infotainment system, according to the user's geographical location, the system automatically matches and recommends the most appropriate AI Valet route without the need to repeatedly set the navigation, and one-click can start the AI Valet.

The intelligent driving experience is continuously iterated: The intelligent driving experience is in line with human driving habits, and the AI Valet intelligent driving experience will continue to improve.

What is the relationship between AI Valet and XNGP? Do I still need AI Valet with XNGP?

AI Valet and XNGP are complementary. Essentially, they are both the user's AI drivers. XNGP can be regarded as the AI driver trained by all users together, while AI Valet is the AI driver trained by each user individually. AI Valet can continuously learn different driving habits and styles of each user, and under the premise of abiding by traffic rules, the more you drive, the more it learns like, so as to achieve a thousand people with a thousand faces experience.

At this stage, the coverage of AI Valet and XNGP is different:

(1) The AI Valet function has no restrictions on urban scope and road attributes, covering national urban & county & township national highways/provincial highways/county roads and multi-attribute composite routes, referred to as able to drive wherever there is a road.

(2) As of May 29, 2024, the urban intelligent driving ability of XNGP has covered 283 cities across the country, and the available range is still continuously expanding. Recently, XPeng XNGP has completed 100% switching of urban intelligent driving without a map.

XNGP already has the technical ability to support urban intelligent driving nationwide, but according to the internal functional mass production test acceptance process, it must be verified according to strict engineering tests, and then pushed to users in full through OTA in a batch-opening city manner. Currently, XPeng XNGP has accumulated more than 6.46 million kilometers of official real vehicle test mileage, and each road that has been opened has been tested by official real vehicles more than 4 times. Based on the precipitation and accumulation of more than 80,000 scenarios, XPeng XNGP will be able to drive on all roads in the third quarter.

Why does AI Valet have a maximum of only 10 routes per person and can't add a few more? Why can each route be up to 100 kilometers long and not a little longer?

Because the storage and update of AI Valet memory route data are handled locally on the vehicle side to ensure data does not leave the vehicle and protect user privacy. However, the storage capacity on the vehicle side is limited, so each person can store a maximum of only 10 routes, and each route can be up to 100 kilometers long. If the mileage of a single learning route exceeds 100 kilometers, it may lead to the failure of route learning.

How does AI Valet learn the user's driving style?

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Relying on XPeng's strong data closed-loop and infrastructure architecture construction, through data mining and the AI's autonomous learning ability, it analyzes and learns the lane change style, lane selection, road usage habits, and road characteristics of the user takeover scene. When the user turns on the AI Valet function switch and uses the navigation to drive manually, AI will actively remember the user's driving path and habits, and through the form of single-vehicle intelligence, it will jointly optimize with the underlying XNGP ability, and finally simulate a privately customized intelligent driving route on the vehicle side.

Why did XPeng Motors launch AI Valet?

At the G6 launch conference in 2023, XPeng's AI Valet made its debut. Actually, since the launch of the urban NGP function, we have received a large number of user feedbacks, such as the lane selected by the autopilot system is not my favorite lane, hoping to customize XNGP according to their own driving habits. There are also many users who feedback that the reason why they don't use intelligent assisted driving is that it is different from their own driving habits. So we have developed a highly customized AI Valet by giving users the greatest certainty in the most frequent scenarios, hoping that users will love to use it and use it frequently.
