8 Former SpaceX Engineers File Lawsuit Against Elon Musk for Alleged Sexual Harassment

TapTechNews June 13th, according to Bloomberg, on Wednesday local time, eight former engineers of the US space exploration technology company (SpaceX) filed a lawsuit against the company's CEO, Elon Musk, alleging sexual harassment and retaliatory behavior. These dismissed employees also complained to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) that SpaceX has retaliatory behavior.

 8 Former SpaceX Engineers File Lawsuit Against Elon Musk for Alleged Sexual Harassment_0

In the lawsuit filed on Wednesday, the eight former employees stated that Musk deliberately created a hostile environment in the workplace. They pointed out that Musk spread vulgar sexual photos, spoof pictures, and comments at work, demeaning women and LGBTQ+ groups.

These former engineers said that some colleagues harassed them when imitating Musk's posts, creating an atmosphere of collective bullying. The plaintiffs wrote that this "created an extremely uncomfortable and hostile work environment".

This group of former employees jointly wrote an open letter in 2022, pointing out the behavioral problems of Tesla founder Elon Musk. They alleged that due to this letter, they were retaliatorily dismissed by the company.

According to Bloomberg's report, these former engineers stated in the complaint that they have reason to believe that Musk's decision to fire them was in retaliation for this open letter. The complaint alleged that when a SpaceX human resources official suggested that the company conduct a formal investigation before taking any decisive action, Musk responded, "I don't care - fire them."

Although the NLRB determined that SpaceX illegally retaliated against these employees, the case has been stalled due to an injunction from the appellate court. In January this year, SpaceX sued the NLRB, claiming that its structure is "unconstitutional".

TapTechNews noticed that yesterday there was also a report that Musk had sexual relationships with two female employees and also asked another female to give birth to his child.
