Huawei's Yu Chengdong Shares Insights on Criticism, Past Struggles, and Hongmeng Smart Mobility

TapTechNews July 15th news, in tonight's live stream of With Yu Hui where Yu Chengdong, the Standing Director of Huawei, the Chairman of the Terminal BG, and the Chairman of the Intelligent Automobile Solution BU, had a conversation with Dong Yuhui, the senior partner of Oriental Select and the person in charge of With Yu Hui.

Yu Chengdong mentioned his experience and views of often being criticized by Ren Zhengfei. He said, Be glad to hear criticism, then you can quickly improve problems.

Yu Chengdong said that managers have always required self-criticism, because he is often the one being criticized like this. Although there are misunderstood parts in some criticisms, but there are also my deficiencies. The criticism shows that he has expectations for you and hopes you do better, because you haven't met the requirements, many places are ones that I haven't done well enough. There should be this continuous spirit of self-criticism. I have always also put requirements on our team, we should always see our own deficiencies... A person who thinks he is very great is very dangerous, always see yourself as an ordinary person, a common person.

Yu Chengdong also talked about the past five years which is this toughest moment. Huawei, which once made the mobile phone market share to be the world's first, was knocked down in just two quarters. After that, the annual shipments were less than what it used to be in just one month, only more than 20 million units.

Yu Chengdong also disclosed that he used to be a very quiet person. Can you imagine? At class reunions, the quietest person at the table is me, and I returned to the comfortable state in the past, and I became what I was decades ago again.

Yu Chengdong disclosed more contents about the Hongmeng Smart Mobility business in this live stream. For details, see the report by TapTechNews earlier today.

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