CoolerMaster's AI Thermal Grease Clarification

TapTechNews May 25th news, CoolerMaster released the AI Thermal Grease on May 21st, which triggered discussions among users due to the word AI. The official released a statement yesterday to clarify the ambiguous content caused by this term.

TapTechNews attaches the content of CoolerMaster's official statement as follows:

To our media partners and customers:

Recently, we noticed that the Al Thermal Grease (Cryofuze5) product, due to the inaccurate expression of its characteristics in the name setting, has caused users to misunderstand the product's functions, and we deeply apologize for this.

In order to avoid further confusion, we hereby clarify that the AI Thermal Grease (Cryofuze5) does not have functions such as artificial intelligence.

Cryofuze5 is the latest thermal grease product launched by CoolerMaster. Through its excellent temperature handling range, it can help users achieve different heat dissipation purposes, and it is the best choice for users to pursue high-performance performance.

As artificial intelligence continuously breaks through computing limits and generates more heat than ever before, we believe that Cryofuze5 can ensure that your components remain at a low temperature and perform at their best.

CoolerMaster will also continue to be committed to product innovation in the future to help users fully exert the performance of the machine. Thank you for your understanding. If you have any other questions or need more information, our media relations team will be happy to serve you.

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This thermal grease has the same heat dissipation function as the original version and offers six colors to choose from, including blue, red, green, yellow, black, and white.

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The thermal grease adopts nano-diamond molecular technology and is claimed to maintain stable performance within a temperature range of -50 degrees to 240 degrees, with a thermal conductivity of 12.6 W/(m·K), and has electrical insulation and corrosion resistance to avoid potential safety hazards.

Related reading:

CoolerMaster Releases AI Thermal Grease: Thermal Conductivity 12.6 W/(m·K), Available in Blue/Red/Green/Yellow/Black/White
