Valve's Steam Platform May Be Set to TackLe Game Review Chaos with New System

TapTechNews August 8th news, Valve's game platform Steam is deeply loved by global PC players for its user-friendly interface, smooth performance, rich community functions and frequent game promotions. Although the platform has gone through many major updates and improvements, the game review system has long been criticized. A large number of meaningless joke comments have flooded the truly valuable player opinions, and this problem has not been effectively solved. However, this situation seems to be about to change.

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On Tuesday, some Steam users found that a new helpfulness system (newhelpfulnesssystem) option was launched on the platform. After enabling this option, the system will prioritize detailed comments, and only those with higher ratings will be placed under the existing most helpful filter. However, this feature was taken offline only a few hours after its launch, indicating that Valve may have prematurely pushed it by mistake before the system was fully developed. Nevertheless, this also hints that the company is working on addressing the chaos of game reviews.

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Before the system was taken offline, some Reddit users said that the new system performed well in filtering meaningless and repetitive comments and could effectively filter out long and in-depth content. In addition, the system is enabled by default and is expected to completely change the current review environment of Steam.

TapTechNews noted that for a long time, the comment area of the Steam platform has been filled with a large number of unnutritious jokes, copied and pasted memes, and short comments that are刷屏 to obtain community medals. These low-quality comments seriously affect the channels for users to obtain real game information and reduce the value of the review system.

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In recent years, due to the introduction of the Steam points and community medals system, the number of meaningless comments aimed at obtaining rewards has increased sharply. Users can obtain Steam points by purchasing games and use them to reward other users' comments, and the rewarded commentators can also obtain points to buy personalized decorations such as avatars and backgrounds. This mechanism has spawned a large number of short and low-quality comments, which often attract users to award medals with humorous, strange or controversial content, thereby covering up the truly valuable game evaluations.

Some users said that they often have to delete detailed comments due to space limitations and feel very frustrated to see shallow content getting attention. Some users also think that although they thought the interesting content in the comments was interesting at first, it has now become repetitive and boring.

The leaked new helpfulness system indicates that Valve has finally begun to seriously address this problem. However, whether the new system can completely elim inate meaningless comments remains to be seen. After all, a long comment does not necessarily mean high quality, and medal hunters may try to trick the algorithm by means of copying and pasting. But even so, it is exciting to see Valve take action.

It is worth noting that the leaked system is enabled by default and may also maintain this setting after the official launch. If this is the case, the number of meaningless comments on the platform is expected to be significantly reduced.
