Baidu Maps V20 Officially Enters Great Wall Motors App Store

TapTechNews August 9th news, Baidu Maps announced today that version V20 has officially entered the application store of Great Wall Motors, claiming to be a good car system, even better than a mobile phone.

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According to the introduction, Baidu Maps V20 supports true lane-level navigation, not only supported on expressways but also in 360 cities across the country; real-time countdown of traffic lights, covering over one million traffic lights in more than 3000 districts and counties across the country; the new Xiaodu, understanding knowledge and travel better; integration between mobile and car, one-step navigation initiation through WeChat.

The first batch of vehicle models equipped: Tank 400, Tank 500, Tank 700. Owners of the above models can open the car application store and download and install the trial version of Baidu Maps V20, and more models will be gradually covered.

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TapTechNews noticed that Baidu Maps V20 was first publicly unveiled in April this year and announced that it will be available on Tesla, Huawei's intelligent cockpit, and Jiyue, claiming to become the standard configuration of 300 million vehicles.

According to the information disclosed by the official previously, Baidu Maps V20 has launched four versions in total:

The basic version: no customization, free upgrade;

The 3D leading version: standard configuration for all intelligent vehicles, one-step surpassing new forces in car navigation;

The 3D flagship version: top configuration for 8295 chip models;

The SR intelligent driving version: top configuration for urban high-level intelligent driving models.

Among them, Baidu Maps V20 3D leading version, flagship version, and SR intelligent driving version not only support iOS and Android, but also support systems such as Linux, QNX, and HarmonyOS.
