ByteDance Launches Two New Free Online Literature Apps

TapTechNews, on June 27. According to Tech Planet, after Tomato Novel, ByteDance has launched two more free online literature apps, DanHua Novel and ChangDu Novel, featuring free reading for the whole site.

The development companies of the two online literature products are respectively Hubei Furui Xing Network Technology Co., Ltd. and Hubei Juhe Run Network Technology Co., Ltd., and both of these companies are 100% owned by ByteDance.

TapTechNews found that as of the time of posting, DanHua Novel and ChangDu Novel rank the 4th and 9th in the free Apps of the book category in the Apple AppStore, respectively.

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From the perspective of the products, although DanHua Novel and ChangDu Novel are positioned as free online literature platforms, they are slightly different from Tomato Novel. DanHua Novel and ChangDu Novel pay more attention to the experience of audio books, and have added short dramas, comics and other contents, making the entire product more diversified in use.

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It is reported that ByteDance has launched more than ten paid novel products such as Cuiguo Novel and Jiudu Novel since 2021, and only ZuiKan Novel is still in operation, and the rest were all taken down between the end of last year and the beginning of this year. ByteDance's attempt in the paid novel field has temporarily come to an end, and free online literature will once again become the focus of business development in the next stage.
