CSDN's GitCode Accused of Bulk Transporting Github Projects

TapTechNews June 27th news, the open-source code hosting platform GitCode launched by CSDN was recently exposed for bulk transporting Github projects, and even replaced the Github address in the readme file of the original project with GitCode.

In the GitCode official community, there were multiple Issues from yesterday to today demanding the immediate deletion of the transported projects and users, and got responses from community members.

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Regarding the deletion requests from developers, a GitCode official community member named XXM expressed apologies in the Issue yesterday, and directly stated that the projects and organizations were deleted as required. However, developers found that the organization could still be searched, and questioned that it was only temporarily masked. TapTechNews tested and found that the organization is currently no longer searchable.

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And in the subsequent Issue responses, XXM said that projects and organizations can be directly deleted, but individual accounts require developers to cancel by themselves, and said that internal emergency rectification is underway.

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