Fanteky FinClip 3.0 Officially Released with New Features

TapTechNews May 28th news, Fanteky FinClip 3.0 was officially released. This version launched the FinClip HarmonyOS version SDK, adapting to the native development of HarmonyOS NEXT; obtained multiple operating system compatibility certifications; introduced a large language model to support the integration of AI technology.

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It is reported that Fanteky was founded in 2017, and its official positioning is enterprise mini-program digital technology provider. Its core product, the FinClip mini-program digital application management system, has cooperated with Air China, Capital Airport, People's Daily Online, Bank of Communications, Huatai Securities, China Merchants Securities, Essence Securities, Zhongtai Securities, Langfang Bank, etc.

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TapTechNews attached the main contents of this product as follows:

FinClip HarmonyOS version SDK

The FinClip 3.0 HarmonyOS version SDK, adapting to the native development of HarmonyOS NEXT, can realize the rapid migration of mini-programs to the HarmonyOS App;

Through the supporting development tool of FinClipStudio, the reverse generation of the HarmonyOS App from mini-programs can be achieved.

Localization of core components

FinClip products have completed the localization compatibility at the CPU, operating system, middleware, and server levels, and obtained multiple operating system compatibility certifications including Huawei HarmonyOS, Uniontech UOS, Kirin Software, Zhongke Fangde, and Red Flag Asianux;

FinClip has completed mutual trust certifications with databases such as OceanBase V3, Tencent Cloud TDSQL MySQL version, and Jin Zhuan Xin Ke GoldenDB.

Based on the cross-terminal characteristics of mini-programs, FinClip provides a fast track for the development of trusted application.

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Integration of AI technology

FinClip introduces a large language model (LLM), and mini-programs can understand user demands through context and realize the scene-based activation of business content.

In the replay video of the press conference, the official account of FinClip answered the questions of netizens and stated that FinClip SDK itself is a mini-program container product that can run mini-programs in any App and any device. In addition, the supporting development tool has the function of one-click conversion of mini-programs to App.

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The official said that FinClip 3.0 provides a free version, and most individual developers can completely freeload.

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