Toyota Responds to Certification Violation with Measures and Report to MLIT

TapTechNews August 11th news, in response to the certification violation incident, Toyota submitted a report on measures to prevent recurrence to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) on August 9.

Toyota Responds to Certification Violation with Measures and Report to MLIT_0

Toyota said that according to the advice of the MLIT, Toyota realizes that the management's participation in the certification business is not sufficient, and there are still many areas that need improvement in the foundation of the certification business, such as establishing clearer rules and procedures in the data management system.

Toyota will review the mechanisms and systems aimed at implementing appropriate certification business, detect abnormal situations, and take prompt actions through the joint efforts of management and on-site personnel.

In the medium and long term, through the Toyota Production System (TPS), we will clarify the work flow from planning, development to certification, integrate Toyota's improvement into the certification business, and cultivate common values and improvements within the Toyota Group. The progress of improvement will be reported to the MLIT quarterly.

TapTechNews attached partial content of the report outline:

Reconstruct the company-wide business operation system

Promote the management's understanding of development and certification business, and strengthen the governance system

Increase the management's understanding of certification rules and legal compliance awareness

Strengthen internal audits of development and certification business

Ensure a system that can report appropriate information to the management

Improvement of operation management methods throughout the entire vehicle development and certification process

Integrated management from development to certification, clarifying the responsibilities of each task

Appropriately allocate and manage resources throughout the vehicle development and certification operation process

Establish a progress management method to ensure the correct certification process

Establish internal rules to correctly use development data in certification

Establish a legal and certification-related business implementation system to handle violation risks

Improve the internal rules related to certification business

Increase the confirmation of test conditions, etc. in test instructions and application preparations

Establish a certification test monitoring and continuous improvement system

Increase the compliance awareness of the certification site

Toyota Responds to Certification Violation with Measures and Report to MLIT_1

According to TapTechNews' previous report, on June 3, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan released the news that a total of 5 companies including Toyota, Mazda, Yamaha Motor, Honda R & D and Suzuki had fraud behaviors in vehicle performance tests, etc., and relevant departments ordered some models to stop shipping.

The number of models involved is as follows:

Toyota: 7 models (3 in production)

Mazda: 5 models (2 in production)

Yamaha Motor: 3 models (1 in production)

Honda: 22 models (all out of production)

S uzuki: 1 model (out of production)
