Chinese Black Industry Company Exposed for Illegal Personal Information Trading

TapTechNews, on June 17, a black industry company that illegally trades personal information of citizens under the guise of "legal consultation" was exposed by CCTV13's "Rule of Law Online" today.

TapTechNews learned from the report that the salesman of this "legal consultation" company claimed that "as long as the money is in place, all kinds of personal information can be queried", and "only the mobile phone number is needed to query the other party's ID number, home address, position, office location, real estate and car property information under the name, etc.".

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After investigation by Xi'an police, it was found that the company's legal representative Li and partner Wan were the main instigators. By cooperating with overseas upstream suppliers, they registered accounts on multiple online platforms to post advertisements to "drain" and sell "information query service". A total of nearly a thousand pieces of information were sold, involving 6.37 million yuan (about $900,000). At present, the relevant personnel have been prosecuted by the police in accordance with the law, and a total of 124 people have been arrested.

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