New horror game 'Platform 8' launched on Steam

TechNewsMay 12th news, friends may remember a psychological horror game called 'Exit 8,' and now the orthodox sequel 'Platform 8 (8番のりば)' of this game has been launched on Steam, expected to be released in mid-May, but the price has not been announced yet.

According to the introduction, in this game, the stage is set on a tram, the gameplay is still to find 'anomalies' as before, testing players' eyesight and memory. Only by finding anomalies and escaping in the right direction can players break free from the eternal loop.

According to TapTechNews, the official introduction of 'Platform 8' is as follows:

'Platform 8' is a short-distance walking simulator, inspired by the Japanese rail transport system and threshold space, with a gameplay time of 15-60 minutes.

You are trapped on a train that never stops.

Be alert to anomalies and find a way out.

Please pay attention to anomalies.

Streaming video distribution guidelines:

Both individuals and companies can distribute videos without permission, but please check and follow the following guidelines:

Be sure to include the game name in the video and distribution title.

Include a link to the Steam page in the abstract.

Only use the features provided by video distribution websites to make a profit.

We will allow paid distribution, such as exclusive member videos, but if possible, we hope you can provide free videos.

We are not responsible for any damages caused by the dissemination of videos of this game.

Changes to this guide will not be notified separately.

Game Screenshots:

Related Reading:

'Spoof game 'Exit Kun' officially released: Escape the 'IKUN channel,' Steam's first offer in the China region for 4 RMB.'
