Mozilla's Solo Project Empowering Non-Programmers with AI

TapTechNews June 13th, Mozilla launched a全新 project named Solo in December 2023, targeting users without any programming experience,by integrating AI capabilities, the websites created can rival the development effect of professional developers.

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Mozilla released a major update of SoloAI 1.0 after nearly half a year, by introducing more abundant animations to make your website look more exquisite.

Mozilla said: “Our primary goal is to make it easy for you to create and publish websites. Now, our next goal is to help you expand your business. In the next few months, we will successively launch new features to assist you.”

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Mozilla also relaxed the character limit of the website, and now each website can upload up to 30 custom images, and users can now start to use AI to create websites on the website of SoloAI.

TapTechNews attaches the website link:
