Tencent Hunyuan, HKUST and Tsinghua University Launch 'FollowYourEmoji' for Facial Animation Generation

On June 17, TapTechNews reported that Tencent Hunyuan, together with the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Tsinghua University, launched a portrait animation generation framework called FollowYourEmoji. Just by providing a single photo, FollowYourEmoji can convert it into a lifelike facial animation and can capture subtle expression changes at the same time.

Tencent Hunyuan, HKUST and Tsinghua University Launch FollowYourEmoji' for Facial Animation Generation_0

TapTechNews attached the paper address: https://arxiv.org/html/2406.01900v1

Project address: https://follow-your-emoji.github.io/

Based on algorithm innovation and data accumulation, FollowYourEmoji can support fine-grained control of the face, including details such as eyebrows, eyeballs, and eye-rolling, and animal emojis can also be easily controlled. In addition, FollowYourEmoji not only supports the generation of multiple portraits for a single expression but also supports the generation of multiple expressions for a single portrait.

FollowYourEmoji has the following characteristics:

Identity preservation: Ensure that the identity characteristics of the reference portrait are not lost during the animation generation process.

Rich expressions: Generate various exaggerated and subtle expressions, such as large-scale pupil movements.

Diverse styles: Support various styles of portrait animations, including cartoon, realistic, sculpture, or animal styles.

Stable and persistent: Use a progressive generation strategy to ensure the stability and consistency of long-term animations.

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