Samsung Electronics to Mass Produce SF1.4 Process in 2027, Announces Future Plans

TapTechNews June 13th, Samsung Electronics reaffirmed at the Samsung Foundry Forum 2024 North America on June 12 local time that its SF1.4 process is expected to enter mass production in 2027, responding to previous media rumors.

Samsung stated that the preparation work for its 1.4-nanometer-level process is progressing smoothly and is expected to reach a mass production milestone in both performance and yield by 2027.

In addition, Samsung Electronics is actively researching advanced logic process technology in the post-1.4-nanometer era through innovations in materials and structure to fulfill Samsung's commitment to continuously exceeding Moore's Law.

Samsung Electronics simultaneously confirmed that it still plans to mass produce the second-generation 3-nanometer process SF3 in the second half of 2024.

And in the more traditional FinFET transistor part, Samsung Electronics plans to introduce the SF4U process in 2025. This node will further enhance its competitiveness in terms of PPA indicators through optical shrinkage.

 Samsung Electronics to Mass Produce SF1.4 Process in 2027, Announces Future Plans_0

Choi Shi-young, head of Samsung Electronics' Foundry business department, also said:

We also plan to introduce an integrated co-packaged optics (CPO) technology for high-speed, low-power data processing to provide customers with a one-stop AI solution required to thrive in this era of change.

TapTechNews had earlier reported that in addition to Intel with deep accumulation in the optoelectronics field, another of the three major advanced process giants, TSMC, also plans to launch a co-packaged optics module integrated based on the COUPE technology in 2026.
