Microsoft Starts to Refund for Redfall's BiteBack Edition

TapTechNews June 20th news, Microsoft has begun to refund players who have purchased the BiteBack Edition or the hero pass in the BiteBack Premium Edition of Redfall, including the Xbox version and the Steam version.

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Before the game was released last year, Microsoft sold the BiteBack Edition version at a price of $99.99 (TapTechNews note: currently about 727 Chinese yuan), and this version promised to provide two additional heroes and other DLC after the release.

However, due to the poor response of the game and a series of reasons such as the game developer ArkaneAustin has been laid off (Microsoft closed several internal studios in May), its subsequent DLC has been cancelled.

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Windows Central reported that some players who bought the Redfall BiteBack version have received a refund of $26.99 (currently about 196 Chinese yuan), and Microsoft will automatically refund players who bought these versions on the Xbox platform and Steam.

Of course, physical version users can also get a refund, but they need to contact the Bethesda customer service and provide a purchase certificate for registration.

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