China Formulates Weight Management Plan

TapTechNews on June 26 reported that the National Health Commission and other 16 departments jointly formulated the Weight Management Year Activity Implementation Plan, proposing that starting from 2024, strive to achieve a wide establishment of a supportive environment for weight management through about three years, significantly enhance the awareness and skills of the whole nation in weight management, make healthy lifestyles more popular, and gradually form a good situation of weight management where everyone participates and everyone benefits. The abnormal weight conditions of some groups can be improved.

TapTechNews summarizes some key work points:

Strengthen basic research on the rules of weight change and body metabolism. Research and develop weight management-related pharmaceuticals and wearable devices. Make full use of internet, Internet of Things, big data and other information technology means to innovate weight management models. Promote the application of artificial intelligence technology in formulating personalized nutrition and exercise intervention plans.

Promote in-depth integration of industry, academia and research, accelerate the transformation of research results, and jointly promote technological innovation and product upgrading in weight management.

Fully utilize new technologies and achievements in weight management to guide health enterprises to develop new weight management products. Accelerate the nutritional transformation of food processing and reasonably reduce the content of oil, salt and sugar in processed foods. Carry out relevant activities such as reasonable diet publicity in schools and catering industry to improve consumers' ability to correctly read food nutrition labels.

Promote the construction of healthy canteens and healthy restaurants, and avoid selling high-salt, high-sugar and high-fat foods on campus. Fully implement the Students' Physical Fitness Enhancement Action to ensure that students have one hour of physical activity time on campus and outside campus every day. Carry out various forms of national fitness activities, and organize activities such as the Walking Pact walking incentive competition and Healthy Town, Healthy Weight. Encourage the deep integration of commercial health insurance and health management to effectively participate in weight management and give full play to the supporting and guaranteeing role. Encourage the development of mobile applications (Apps) and mini-programs with continuous dynamic collection and analysis of weight changes and providing weight management suggestions, and promote the routinization, facilitation and standardization of weight management.
