Formula 1 and Amazon to Launch New AI 'Statbot' Data Robot

TapTechNews, June 24th, sources from Bloomberg, at the Spanish Grand Prix held on Sunday, Formula 1 plans to jointly launch a new artificial intelligence Statbot data robot with Amazon.

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Neil Ralph, the head of technical cooperation between Amazon and F1, said that Statbot uses the technology of Amazon AWS's cloud computing division during the Barcelona race to search the race archives and parse a large amount of real-time racing data to provide background information and anecdotes to the live broadcast host.

TapTechNews noted that previously, F1 Insights supported by AWS has been added to the official broadcast: using artificial intelligence to conduct in-race predictions on issues such as when to pit or when a driver may overtake the opponent based on real-time details such as car performance and tire degradation.

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Eric Gales, the general manager of AWS Canada, said in an interview:

With this data and the close relationship with the fans, you can consider a hyper-personalized experience.

Neil Ralph added:

That's the direction we hope to go, so that as a fan, you can choose how much data to see and what stories to listen to.
