Kingsoft WPS Service Has Service Issues Again

TapTechNews July 8th news, according to many TapTechNews friends' contributions, today there are service issues with Kingsoft WPS services, including but not limited to the inability to open the cloud document website, the inability to load the online document in the mini-program, and the inability to log in to the WPS account, etc.

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As of TapTechNews' release, the WPS crashed Weibo topic has climbed to the 5th on the hot search list, and currently has 12.34 million views. Some users reported that their documents didn't save and the server crashed. The official responded by saying that the problems everyone反馈 are being rapidly investigated and repaired, and the service has returned to normal. TapTechNews found through testing that the relevant services have now recovered.

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It is worth noting that WPS also had a service interruption problem on June 28th. At that time, the cloud document error codes were the same as today, both being nohealthyupstream, upstreamconnecterrorordisconnect/resetbeforeheaders.resetreason: connectionfailure and other error messages.

Related Reading:

(Update: Now Recovered) Kingsoft Document Crashed
