Huawei Releases WATCH FIT 3 Smartwatch with AMOLED Screen

TapTechNews May 26 news, Huawei released the Huawei WATCH FIT 3 smartwatch on May 15 this year. The watch is equipped with a 1.82-inch AMOLED rounded rectangular screen and has a maximum battery life of 10 days.

TapTechNews previously reported that the Huawei WATCH FIT 3 smartwatch did not come pre-installed with the WeChat Watch version App when it left the factory. This situation has been confirmed by many parties. At the same time, in the display equipment in the Huawei store, this App is also not installed.

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Recently, the question and answer page of the Huawei Mall has newly added a question and answer about whether the WATCH FIT 3 smartwatch supports the WeChat Watch version. The official said that FIT3 is actively adapting to the WeChat Watch version. Once the adaptation is completed, it will add the function of WeChat message reply to the watch through OTA upgrade.

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According to the introduction, the WeChat Watch version App is a WeChat version on the smartwatch side launched by the WeChat team in July 2022, which supports functions such as automatic voice-to-text conversion, picture message viewing, patting, quoted message display, voice reply, quick text reply and WeChat emoji reply.

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