WeChat Platform Cracks Down on Feudal Superstition Content

TapTechNews August 1st news, the WeChat Public Platform Operation Center released a statement today, stating that the platform has discovered that in some articles published by some operators, there is a feudal superstition trend, using religious, feng shui, fortune and other gimmicks to accumulate wealth or attract attention, and such content is very likely to mislead users or cause property losses. The WeChat side will take continuous inspections and once it finds violations, it will take corresponding actions according to the specific degree of violation.

TapTechNews attached the following violation cases:

Publishing superstitious-related titles, using恐吓, 诱导 and other tones to exaggerate the harm or negative impact of a certain behavior.

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Articles provide feudal superstition-related services such as fortune-telling, face-reading, divination, etc., and include paid items such as selling items for transporting luck and eliminating disasters.

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Borrowing the name of providing relevant services to improperly collect users' personal privacy information, including but not limited to: name, date of birth, face/hand features, ID number, mobile phone number, etc.

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Fabricating/fictionalizing cases of customers benefiting after purchasing their products, and using this to sell feng shui consulting services or feng shui ornaments/talismanic objects.

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In the name of renovating/damaging religious places, or promoting religious content/religious festivals, and providing payment information for donations.

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