'Star Citizen' Hits $700 Million in Crowdfunding

TapTechNews on May 28th. 'Star Citizen' is a well-known crowdfunding game known as the 'ell-ship cult'. To play this game, players need to spend real money to buy spaceships, and the game developer, CIG (CloudImperiumGames), has also reaped significant profits through this 'hip-selling' method.

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CIG updated the crowdfunding tracker page today and indicated that it has successfully raised $700 million (TapTechNews note: approximately 5.082 billion Chinese yuan currently). TapTechNews hereby briefly reviews the fundraising records of this game:

In 2011, the game was initiated.

In October 2012, 'Star Citizen' launched a crowdfunding campaign and obtained $2 million in just ten days.

In December 2015, the crowdfunding amount exceeded $100 million.

In November 2016, the crowdfunding amount exceeded $200 million.

In June 2020, the crowdfunding amount exceeded $300 million.

In November 2021, the crowdfunding amount exceeded $400 million.

In September 2022, the crowdfunding amount exceeded $500 million.

In August 2023, the crowdfunding amount exceeded $600 million.

In May 2024, the crowdfunding amount exceeded $700 million.

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This 'game with the largest crowdfunding amount in history' has been developed for 13 years, but the release date of this game (online game version) 1.0 is still far away. And the single-player game version 'Star Citizen: Squadron 42' previously officially claimed to be 'functionally complete' and is entering the stage of 'focusing on optimizing and fine-tuning all aspects of the game experience', but the specific online date has not been announced.

Related Reading:

'After 9 years of development, the crowdfunding game 'Star Citizen: Squadron 42' is already 'functionally complete' but the release is still far away.'
