Samsung GalaxyRing Smart Ring Certified by FCC

TapTechNews, May 29th. The Samsung GalaxyRing smart ring has been certified by the FCC, and there are 8 sizes in total (TapTechNews previously reported that the Bluetooth certification page showed 9 kinds). It shows that the larger-sized ring is equipped with a larger-capacity battery.

Samsung GalaxyRing Smart Ring Certified by FCC_0

Samsung GalaxyRing Smart Ring Certified by FCC_1

Samsung GalaxyRing Smart Ring Certified by FCC_2

According to the information on the page, TapTechNews attaches the relevant information as follows:

SM-Q505: Corresponding to the US ring size 5, equipped with a 17 mAh capacity battery

SM-Q506: Corresponding to the US ring size 6, equipped with a 17 mAh capacity battery

SM-Q507: Corresponding to the US ring size 7, equipped with a 17 mAh capacity battery

SM-Q508: Corresponding to the US ring size 8, equipped with an 18.5 mAh capacity battery

SM-Q509: Corresponding to the US ring size 9, equipped with an 18.5 mAh capacity battery

SM-Q500: Corresponding to the US ring size 10, equipped with an 18.5 mAh capacity battery

SM-Q501: Corresponding to the US ring size 11, equipped with an 18.5 mAh capacity battery

SM-Q502: Corresponding to the US ring size 12, equipped with a 22.5 mAh capacity battery

The FCC list of the GalaxyRing also shows that it supports Bluetooth LE and Bluetooth 5.4 protocols. The list also discloses the picture of the upcoming black GalaxyRing.

Samsung GalaxyRing Smart Ring Certified by FCC_3

Samsung GalaxyRing Smart Ring Certified by FCC_4

Samsung GalaxyRing Smart Ring Certified by FCC_5

Samsung GalaxyRing Smart Ring Certified by FCC_6
