China Delivers its Largest LNG Transportation Ship, 'Green Energy Ying', Setting New Milestone

TapTechNews May 16 news, according to CCTV news, China's largest liquefied natural gas (LNG) transportation ship construction project - the China National Offshore Oil Corporation LNG transportation ship project's first ship 'Green Energy Ying' was successfully delivered on Changxing Island, Shanghai on the 15th, marking a new progress in China's construction of large LNG transportation ships.

This ship is also the world's first fifth-generation 'Changheng series' 174,000 cubic meters large transportation ship, named and delivered 5 months ahead of schedule compared to the contract period. It was independently research, designed, and constructed by China State Shipbuilding Corporation Limited's Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding (Group) Co., Ltd.

 China Delivers its Largest LNG Transportation Ship, 'Green Energy Ying', Setting New Milestone_2

TapTechNews summarizes the relevant information of the ship as follows:

The ship is 299 meters long, 46.4 meters wide, with a total steel consumption of 25,000 tons, and the deck area is equivalent to three standard football fields.

In terms of transportation, the ship can carry 174,000 cubic meters of liquefied natural gas, which can meet the gas demand of 7 million households for a month.

The ship has four significant highlights: low comprehensive energy consumption, wide compatibility of cabin types, strong cargo-carrying capacity, and optimal route matching, enabling efficient adaptation to diverse operational requirements of various routes.

According to Weng Hongbing, the general manager of China Communication Group Hudong-Zhonghua, the technical performance of the delivered transportation ship this time has reached the world's leading level. Compared with the previous generation products, the ship's weight has been reduced by more than 1,500 tons, reducing more fuel consumption and reducing carbon emissions by more than 10 tons per day of sailing, and can carry an additional 800 cubic meters of liquefied natural gas per voyage.
