
TapTechNews May 28th news, Mihoyo officially announced today that Zeropolis will start the full-platform public beta on July 4, 2024, and the pre-draw card web activity of Pre-trip Procurement is now synchronized to open.


It is introduced that participating in the activity can obtain up to A-level Audio Engine - Time Slices, Bangbu Coupons × 3, A-level Drive Disk and other in-game item rewards at most. Participating in the game public beta reservation can accumulate up to Original Master Tape × 20, Bangbu Coupons × 5 and Agent Colleen × 1 and other rewards!

TapTechNews noted that Mihoyo's Zeropolis has been currently listed on the Apple AppStore and has now opened for reservation. Interested users can pay attention to it.


Zeropolis is a brand new action game independently developed by Mihoyo. Its story takes place in the near future when a mysterious super-natural disaster Void has invaded. In this world where disasters occur frequently, an alternative city - New Elidue has risen. This last oasis has mastered the technology of symbiosis with the Void and is occupied by complex forces. It is chaotic, noisy, dangerous and full of vitality. And you will become the key minority that connects the Void and the city, a special professional named Ropemaker. Here is waiting to witness your story.
