Breakthrough in Sapphire-Based e-GaN Power Electronics Chip Technology by Xidian University

TapTechNews July 11th news, the research team of the Third Generation Semiconductor Innovation Center of the Guangzhou Research Institute of Xidian University has made breakthrough progress in the research and development of mass production technology of sapphire-based enhanced e-GaN power electronics chips.

The research team has overcome the entire set of mass production technologies such as ≥1200V ultra-thin GaN (gallium nitride) buffer layer epitaxy, p-GaN gate HEMTs design and manufacturing, reliability reinforcement, and high-hardness material packaging and testing, and successfully developed a 6-inch sapphire-based enhanced e-GaNHEMTs wafer with a threshold voltage of more than 2V and a withstand voltage of 3000V. This research was published in the and selected as the cover highlight paper.

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In the research of this project, the research team also successfully developed a 8-inch GaN power electronics chip, which for the first time proved the feasibility of mass production of 8-inch sapphire-based GaNHEMTs wafers, and broke the international problem that the traditional GaN technology is difficult to simultaneously consider large size, high withstand voltage, and low cost, and was featured in the well-known international semiconductor industry magazine .

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TapTechNews attached relevant papers and report links:
