Huawei Denounces Rumor of Being Largest Beef Importer

TapTechNews June 14, there is a recent rumor that Huawei is the largest beef importer in China. In response, the official Huawei Weibo account @JuFactoryAHua responded, stating that this rumor is completely a rumor.

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The official said that Moser is a quality lifestyle platform under Huawei and mainly serves employees and their families. The rumor that Huawei is the largest beef importer in China is completely a rumor, and the association with fluctuations in meat prices and the international situation is even more ridiculous. Don't spread it and don't believe it.

TapTechNews noticed that there is Argentine beef sold on the Huawei Moser platform, but the variety is not that much, and some functions of this platform are only available to Huawei employees.

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