Google's AI Overview Usage and Changes in Search Results

TapTechNews July 16th news, SearchEngineLand reported that when the AI Overview was just released in May, about 80% of the search results would show the AI Overview, but now the AI Overview is only shown in 7% of the searches.

Google added the AI Overview feature in searches in May. When users search for questions, Google AI automatically grabs the web content to generate a summary, and users can get the answer without clicking on each search result.

According to a previous report by TapTechNews, when a netizen was searching on Google for a solution to the problem that the cheese doesn't stick to the pizza, the advice provided by Google AI mentioned that you can add 1/8 cup of non-toxic glue to the sauce to make it stickier. Then Google released a relevant statement, stating that it will continue to improve the relevant algorithm for correction.

Since June, Reddit and Quora have hardly been referenced by the Google AI Overview anymore. The report said that Google realizes that these user-generated content websites are unreliable sources of information (at least for the AI Overview).

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Data shows that the appearance rate of the AI Overview in educational questions has decreased from 26% to 13%, the appearance rate of the AI Overview in e-commerce has decreased from 26% to 9%, while the appearance rate of the AI Overview in entertainment questions has decreased from 14% to nearly 0%.

In addition, the study also found that when the search keywords include best, what is, how to, symptoms, it is more likely to trigger the AI Overview; when including Vs, specific brand names, and general product names, the frequency of triggering the AI Overview is lower.
