Redragon Launches KS82PRO Mechanical Keyboard on

TapTechNews May 16th report, Redragon today launched a model named 'KS82PRO' three-mode mechanical keyboard on This keyboard adopts Gasket structure, available in multiple color options, priced between $25-$45 approximately depending on the switch type.

Dragon Dance switch (white-blue color): $25

Dragon Song switch (white-red/deep-light green color): $31

Ginger switch (gradient blue color): $35

Sulo switch (Kung Fu Kid/Feng Qiu Huang color): $45

According to the introduction, this keyboard adopts an 81-key layout, with dimensions of 334x140x42mm, and has a volume-adjusting knob in the upper right corner, equipped with an 8000mAh battery.

Additionally, this keyboard uses Gasket structure, PCB slotting, supports hot-swapping, full-key no conflict, and offers Dragon Dance switch/Dragon Song switch/Ginger switch/Sulo switch options.

TapTechNews keyboard parameter information is as follows:
