Xiaohongshu Testing WeChat Work Function for Merchants

TapTechNews May 16th news, according to Jiemian News, recently Xiaohongshu is testing the function of redirecting to WeChat Work, which is currently only open to some merchants.

The introduction file obtained by the reporter shows that accounts that have activated this function can attach an Add Consultant button below the notes. Clicking on it will display a prompt to Go to add on WeChat, and then click to jump to the WeChat Work add contact page. In the past, users had to send a private message to the Xiaohongshu account and manually add contact information on WeChat.

Previous reports from TapTechNews indicated that Xiaohongshu achieved a historic breakthrough in 2023, achieving profitability for the first time. However, Xiaohongshu's path to commercialization remains rough. The UK's Financial Times reported that the company still struggles to commercialize its services because users use the app to find product recommendations and then switch to Alibaba's Taobao and Tmall for purchases.

Therefore, this internal test by Xiaohongshu is aimed at retaining platform merchants and better connecting the path to commercialization.

An internal source at Xiaohongshu stated that the WeChat Work redirection is different from external links. In terms of the link, it is a function that meets the needs of merchant traffic. In the promotion of many agents, this function focuses on industries such as education, photography, and interior design, which have become active on Xiaohongshu in the past two years.

According to the Xiaohongshu official website, the company has received investments from top-tier companies such as Alibaba, Tencent, Sequoia Capital, and Redpoint Ventures. The company was founded by Maowenchao and Qufang in Shanghai in 2013. As of October 2019, Xiaohongshu has over 100 million monthly active users, with 70% of them being post-90s generation.
