Xiaomi 12 Series to Cancel 'Advanced Material' Feature of 澎 湃 HyperOS

TapTechNews August 1st, the Xiaomi Community released an announcement today that the 'Advanced Material' feature of the澎 湃 HyperOS system will be cancelled for the Xiaomi 12 series of mobile phones.

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The announcement shows that after multiple rounds of optimization tests, when the 'Advanced Material' effect is enabled for the Xiaomi 12 series of mobile phones, the battery life drops by more than 10%; in common scenarios such as the pull-down notification bar, after multiple rounds of optimization tests when the 'Advanced Material' effect is enabled, there is still a gap of more than 10% in smoothness. Because it does not meet the release standard of the development version, this feature will not be launched on the Xiaomi 12 series models.

TapTechNews found out that the Xiaomi 澎 湃 HyperOS has upgraded in system animations and beautification, adding a new Advanced Material feature, supporting the addition of rendering effects such as blurring throughout the mobile phone system, providing a more delicate visual texture. After users enable it, real-time blurring and other effects can be triggered on system pages (such as the control center, background, and other pages).

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