Microsoft/Mojang Starts Testing Minecraft's PS5 Bedrock Edition Native Version

TapTechNews June 21st news, Microsoft/Mojang announced today that it has started testing the native version of Minecraft's Bedrock Edition on the PS5 platform. However, unfortunately, the relevant version does not have the ray tracing feature of the PC Bedrock Edition.

TapTechNews noticed that the early preview test channel of the relevant version has been opened currently. Players who own the PS4 (Bedrock Edition) game can find the 'Preview' option in the settings and then can find the relevant native version.

It is known that this version no longer runs through the PS4 emulation layer, which allows the game to support the same 4K 60FPS frame rate as the Xbox Series X|S on the PS5 platform, but the ray tracing function is still absent.

Microsoft/Mojang has always promoted more than actually delivered in dealing with Minecraft on the console platform. As early as the Xbox One S/X era, Microsoft announced the 'SuperDuperGraphics Pack' light and shadow resource pack running on the Xbox One X. Many players specifically bought the corresponding console for this, but in the end, this resource pack was cancelled. Microsoft claimed at that time that it would provide a 'ray tracing' native version for the Xbox Series S/X and PS5 to meet the players' requirements.

Microsoft/Mojang Starts Testing Minecraft's PS5 Bedrock Edition Native Version_0

Microsoft/Mojang Starts Testing Minecraft's PS5 Bedrock Edition Native Version_1

In the Bedrock Edition 1.15/1.16 period in 2020, Microsoft had demonstrated the native version with ray tracing on the Xbox Series X platform at the same time, but it has not been pushed to the Xbox Series S/X until 4 years later today, and the company seems to have broken its promise again.
