The European Chips Act to Attract Billions in Private Investment by 2030

TapTechNews May 23 - According to Reuters, Thomas Skordas, an official in the digital department of the European Commission, recently said that the European Chips Act is expected to attract private investment of 100 billion euros (TapTechNews note: currently about 785 billion yuan) by 2030.

The European Chips Act was passed last year, aiming to double the share of the EU's regional chip production in the world to 20% by 2030.

The European Chips Act promises to mobilize 43 billion euros (currently about 33.755 billion yuan) in subsidy funds. The relevant subsidies provided by EU member states to enterprises will all be officially approved by the EU Commission, but currently there is not much funds that have passed the entire approval process.

At present, both Intel and TSMC have made decisions to build large wafer fabs in Germany, involving investments of hundreds of billions of euros. TSMC's first wafer fab in Dresden will start construction in the fourth quarter of this year.

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Skordas said that the European Commission plans to complete the review of the funding plan for four advanced semiconductor pilot lines by September and is planning another silicon photonics chip pilot line with an unknown investment scale.

The European Commission is also preparing for a European chip design platform, which will reduce the cost of obtaining chip design tools for the academic and business communities. It is expected that the recruitment of relevant consortia will start in July.
