NVIDIA's RTXRemix for Game Development

TapTechNews June 22nd news, AI and machine learning are transforming people's work and lives, and can also allow us to better experience the fun in games.

Recently, NVIDIA launched the RTXRemix technology for game developers, which can be assisted by NVIDIA tools for rendering, thereby enhancing texture resolution, object meshes and lighting, and also supports subsequent expansion of technologies such as ray tracing or path tracing.

NVIDIAs RTXRemix for Game Development_0

Regarding what AI tools can bring to game players in the future, NVIDIA's chief executive, Jensen Huang, provided an answer. He said that in the future, AI can generate game textures and render them with higher quality, so that the picture quality looks more refined.

Although we can already achieve this function through RTXRemix, this new technology is likely to work in real time like DLSS (TapTechNews note: RTXRemix requires users to download software and prepare a special MOD library) and does not require the participation of game players.

MorethanMoore: AI has been applied in games for a while, such as DLSS and now ACE. Do you think it's possible to have multi-modal AI generate game frames?

Jensen Huang: AI in games - we have already used it for neural graphics rendering, which can generate pixels based on a small amount of input pixels. We also generate content between frames - not inserting frames, but generating. In the future we can even generate textures and objects, which can be of low quality and then make them look better.

We will also be able to generate characters in games. Imagine a group of six people where only two may be real people and the others are long-term AI characters.

In the future, games will also be able to be made by AI, with built-in artificial intelligence. You can even turn your PC into an AI assistant with G-Assist, and let the AI assistant play the game for you.

GeForce is the largest gaming brand in the world, and we will only see it continuously develop. Many brands have certain AI functions, and we also very much hope to let more people have it.
